Skip-A-Pay Request Form

    A maximum of two payments can be skipped within a 12 month period. Payments do not have to be skipped in consecutive months.

    When requesting to skip a payment on your VISA, refer to "Payment Due Date" on your statement as the month you wish to skip. If your VISA account is over the limit, the over-limit amount must be paid before you can skip the monthly payment.

    Only loans listed are eligible. Loans must be open at least 90 days to qualify.

    Car / Truck (excluding recreational vehicles)MotorcyclesShare SecuredVISAPersonalHome ImprovementPreferred Quick Cash (PQC)Personal Line Of Credit (PLC)

    By deferring the payment(s), I understand interest will still be accumulating on the outstanding balance, which will increase the total cost of borrowing and extend the term of the loan. I will resume payments as scheduled following the last month skipped above.

    I Agree

    To be eligible for this special offer, all Credit Union accounts must be in good standing. Loans over $60,000.00 not eligible. You will be contacted by mail if we cannot approve your request. If you have any questions, please call our loan department at (513) 559-1234 x 1111.

    We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

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